Biomass in Morocco. Pursuing its renewable energy development strategy, Sygma Morocco in collaboration with its European partner, Sygma Switzerland, headed by Mr. Roberto MAGRI, brings its support to the economic/energy development of its Moroccan clients’ projects. The Swiss company will bring its technical assistance to the renewable energy projects in progress.

Morocco, thanks to the visionary policy of King Mohammed VI, has become a leader in renewable energy. Moreover, in 2009, the country adopted an energy strategy based on renewable energy and the development of energy efficiency. This strategy aims, among other things, the exploration of new energy sources such as the energy transformation of waste (biomass).

Biomass in Morocco

Biomass is a general term for any type of non-food plant material that is recovered. This in order to obtain second generation biofuels and hydrogen. Sugar cane, agricultural waste or wood chips are used for the production of renewable energies in accordance with current concerns. Alternative energy sources, as opposed to fossil fuels, lead to a more sustainable economy and contribute to creating greener, even climate-neutral forms of transportation.

In Morocco, the potential seems enormous and the prospects for development are encouraging. In addition to biofuels, biomass from agricultural waste and by-products, gasified to produce electricity and thermal energy, is used for self-consumption by the agro-industry. The objective of this process is to recover the remaining biomass, such as olive pomace, the main by-product of olive oil production, which represents 80% of the weight of the fruit and allows the agro-industry to valorize its biomass by producing its own energy. Gas can also be produced from other biomasses, such as chips, rice husks and sugarcane flakes.

With this solution, it is possible to operate on three lines:

  • Production of dry and wet biomass
  • Production of self-generated energy, hydrogen and green carbon dioxide
  • Recovery and transformation of exhaust gases into CO2

Renewable energies

Eventually, a large market for other renewable energy sources (artificial gas) to replace fossil fuels will be created for industrial or third party sectors. For example, self-generated thermal energy for the operation of pellet plants or wet waste management industries.

Aware of the stakes, companies must innovate in the process of renewable energy production. As such, Sygma Switzerland transfers its expertise to Sygma Africa Maroc, represented by Mr. Chouaib BENLAMLIH, to offer complete solutions on biomass technologies. In conclusion, our group develops its activities on the national market in the realization and technical assistance of any project related to green energies, including project portfolios.

Agency Sygma | Engineering Services in Morocco

Through its Moroccan agency based in El Jadida, Sygma | Engineering Services contributes to the economic growth of the country. The need for competent and efficient human resources is a key element not only in the country’s energy transition but also in all economic sectors in need of innovation or improvement of existing processes. With our local and international resources, we are able to meet the specific needs of our clients at all levels of their organization.

Sygma | Engineering Services

Chouaib Benlamlih
Principale Angle Houmane Fetouaki et AV FAR
Imm Verdi 2e Etage N°6
El Jadida | Maroc