“The world is flat” the famous quote of Nandan Nilekani former Infosys CEO, inspired the title of the economical best seller Thomas L. Friedman’s book in 2005. Today’s Newsletter takes its inspiration from this early 21st century quote. This was a time when it looked like no borders could ever stop the growing global business. Now a day we know how China and India became the main stakeholder of this 3.0 revolution.

Nilekani’s quote inspired me for today’s parallel with the services that Sygma Global Mobility is providing to its customers. Indeed, the aim of our services is to “flatten the world” by removing the borders as much as possible to allow our customers to grow internationally while focusing on their core business and let us manage with all the expatriations burdens.

In today’s globalized business landscape, the concept of Global Mobility Services has emerged as a critical component for organizations seeking to expand their operations internationally. At its core, Global Mobility Services encompass a wide range of solutions and support mechanisms designed to facilitate the relocation and management of a company’s workforce across borders.

By Sygma Global Mobility we help our customers to expand their business internationally with all the required and compliant support they deserve. Our 2 decades worldwide expatriation experience in some of the most challenging countries allows us to provide to our customers the best package in the following fields:

  • Global solutions with onshore and offshore contracts
  • Working permits
  • Local salary policy
  • Local taxes payments
  • Local payroll management
  • Accounting services and financial audits
  • Hospitality services for your expatriates

More information about the countries in which we are present and able to support our customers are summarized here.

When it comes to expand your business internationally think Sygma Global Mobility ! For more information about our services send an email to mobility@sygma.link, we will be happy to help.

MAGRI Roberto