ATEX – Control the risks of explosion – Sygma | Engineering Services

ATEX. Sygma | Engineering Services is active in the field of Explosive Atmospheres. Our experts advise you in technological risks.

EXplosive ATmospheres - ATEX

The ATEX regulation requires all managers to control the risks related to explosion in their environment. Our experts evaluate the risks of explosion in your company in order to determine all the places where explosive elements can be released.

Evaluation of all the means necessary to set up an organization for the management of ATEX risks.

Suitability of equipment
Verification and validation of the compatibility of electrical and non-electrical equipment according to the zoning.

Organizational measures
Implementation of organizational measures (training, written instructions, formalization of an authorization system).

Support in updating and improving the various documents related to the DRPCE.

Drafting of the Explosion Protection Document (DRPCE).

Our experts, recognized by INERIS, go as far as the implementation of technical and organizational solutions for a controlled risk.

EXplosive ATmospheres – A Sygma | Engineering Services skill